Access Guide for An Unkindness of Ravens


The Saturday evening performance of Ravens will be ASL Interpreted. Please contact us at [email protected] to reserve a seat with unrestricted access to the interpreter.


Restrooms are accessible, non-gender specific and are located in Java Lords coffee house and bar. There is also a single restroom available to all. There is a ramp from the 7 Stages lobby to Java Lords.


To enter the box office directly from the sidewalk, look for the glass door labeled “box office”. This door is immediately next to the Java Lords entrance.

From the box office, to access the lobby and the theatre, enter into the Java Lords coffee house and bar. Take a left. The ramp to the lobby will be on your left. Just past the ramp, and on your right, are the non-gender specific restrooms.

If you enter through the main lobby, you can access the box office by utilizing either the stairs (on your right) or the ramp. The ramp will be in front of you and to your right at the brick wall.


If you are using Lyft or Uber, the address of the theatre is 1105 Euclid Avenue NE, Atlanta, GA 30307. The theatre is on the south side of Euclid Avenue (across from Bass Lofts Apartments).


MARTA  the principal public transport operator in the Atlanta metropolitan area.

7 Stages is accessible via MARTA at the Inman Park/Reynoldstown Station Blue and Green lines, as well as Bus Routes 6 and 102. It is a seventeen-minute walk from the Inman Park/Reynoldstown Station to 7 Stages Theatre.

MARTA Mobility is a service that provides ADA Complementary Paratransit service to anyone unable to ride or disembark from a regular MARTA transit service. Riders must have a MARTA Mobility Photo ID Breeze Card to be able to request and board MARTA Mobility buses. For more information, please visit

Sensory kits will be available for our performance. at the box office. Each kit has a small collection of items that may help calm overstimulation.


7 Stages has front row seating for patrons who use wheelchairs, scooters, and other accessibility devices and their friends. The first row of fixed theater seats is up two 8” stair steps.

Parking is located in a secure, well-lit, privately run lot behind 7 Stages at 1107 Euclid Avenue. The entrance is between Arden’s Garden Juice Shop and Outback Bicycles. The management company Park-It charges a flat fee of $2 – $7 for a full day of parking, depending on the day. This parking lot has a number of designated accessible parking spots, located on the Arden Garden’s side of the lot.

The path from parking to the theatre is paved; however, depending on where you have parked, there is an upward incline. The parking lot and sidewalks are currently in good condition.

Additionally, there are paid, self-parking lots at 324 and at 333 Moreland Avenue. Travel to the theatre will take approximately six minutes.

There is on-street metered parking along Euclid Avenue with one accessible parking spot immediately in front of the theatre.


Due to space limitations, we are unable to provide a dedicated quiet. There is a small balcony space that may be utilized for this purpose as well as the lobby.